Available now: the new evaexam documentation. The evaexam v8.1 brochure and its ‘Feature list’ may be downloaded here.
News and events
Clean up evasys with the Data Retention Module
Catering organizations who have been working with evasys for a longer time and are requiring a system clean-up due to a surplus of obsolete data, we present the Data Retention Module, now available on a licensing basis.
This plug-in, developed by Consilium, enables the automated deletion of evasys elements by means of configurable retention rules. Thus, you may for instance delete ‘all courses from periods before 31/12/2017’ or ‘delete all surveys that were closed 600 or more days ago’. Furthermore, complete subunits may be removed and it’s also possible to separately clean up questionnaires and course types.
The data deletion runs in the background and may be scheduled during hours when the system is being used less intensively (e.g. at night and in the weekend).
With the Data Retention Module you keep evasys lean & mean, and it’s easier to comply with GDPR and other data regulations. You’ll find more information in the brochure and of course we would be happy to discuss with you how the Data Retention Module can best be deployed in your evasys environment.
Release ConTest v3.2
The new version of ConTest – v.3.2 – is now available! This version of the exam processing system has some performance improvements, including the optimization of simultaneous use of ConTest by multiple users. Furthermore some new features have been incorporated, such as the Usage Report and a Repair Test function.
For additional information (including ‘What’s New’ documentation) or a demo of ConTest v3.2 we are at your disposal!
ConArch 1.9 release
evasys v8.1
evasys (without capital letters!) version 8.1 is out, and for more information we refer you to the new documentation: download the evasys 8.1 Feature List and the New Features overview to get a first impression of the new version. For additional information and a demo please don’t hesitate to contact us!
evasys Cloud
The two available Cloud editions – Standard and Premium – make it easier, quicker and inexpensive to start with evasys, optimizing your course evaluation and other survey processes.
See the evasys Cloud brochure for more information and a comparison between the two variants. And be in touch with us to discuss the opportunities for your organization!
ConArch 1.7 release
This summer our development team has been working hard on the ConArch application and we are happy to let you know that version 1.7 is now available. The new features and improvements particularly concern the control and overview over the data that ConArch manages. Furthermore, the performance has been improved in various areas, and ConArch is now compatible with Service Packs 1 and 2 of EvaSys 8.0.
Consilium launches ConTest 3.1
Consilium’s development team is currently finishing up a new release of the exam processing system ConTest. In this version 3.1 the ConTest application is renewed (updating .Net Framework and Telerik) and several new features are implemented. Also, version 3.1 is compatible with the latest release of TeleForm (v20.3).
First and foremost, the new features concern the export of test results. The Export Results function now supports Excel (XLSX) as export format and allows to include the used custom fields. Furthermore, the CSV export has become more flexible by allowing the modification of the applied field delimiter and digital separator.
ConTest v3.1 will be available for current and new users in September 2020.
EvaSys 8.0: Service Pack 2 available now
Manufacturer Electric Paper has released Service Pack 2 for EvaSys v8.0 (aka Build 2202). It is highly recommended to upgrade your EvaSys system with this Service Pack. The upgrade fixes a variety of known issues in the two previous builds of EvaSys version 8.0 (B2200 and B2201). Furthermore, it completely renews the HTML report functionality of EvaSys. The new HTML report has a fresh and modern design and provides new data analysis functions. See for more details the Service Pack 2 documentation.
Please contact Consilium if you are interested to upgrade your EvaSys system!
ConArch 1.5 available
Version 1.5 of ConArch is now available! New features concern access to the archive for users other than EvaSys administrators and the possibility to archive non-standard reports. Please contact us for more details!